Asociación PIEZAS

Asociación PIEZAS => LEGO Ambassador Network => Mensaje iniciado por: PIEZAS en Martes, 21 de Marzo de 2017, 21:27:46

Título: [SOCIAL] Comparte la Pascua con el Hashtag #LEGOEaster
Publicado por: PIEZAS en Martes, 21 de Marzo de 2017, 21:27:46

Our colleagues creating global campaigns have asked us to ask you to particpate in this years #LEGOEaster campaign and share your amazing pictures online using the #LEGOEaster hashtag!

As a special treat the Community Managers have decided to add a little raffle chance to win for those of you participating. So we've created a flickr account where we would like everything to be pooled and also hashtagged. (The Flickr pool is right here - )

Once we pass Easter, we will do a Lucky Draw between all the pooled images.
We will pick 10 raffle winners, each getting a goodie bag with LEGO related Easter awesomeness and a medium sized LEGO set on top.

What's required?
Take a Easter themed LEGO picture (inspiration can be found using an internet search engine or by taking a look at the work done by Stuck In Plastic and Toy Photographers or some of the other instagram communities we have here on LAN).
Upload and share the image online (Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook etc), using the hashtag #LEGOEaster
Share the image in the Flickr Pool "RLUG #LEGOEaster Campaign" as a raffle ticket for the Lucky Draw.
Add your first name and RLUG/RLFM affilitation along with the #LEGOEaster hashtag in the comment for the image to validate your Lucky Draw entry.
One entry ticket per picture shared in the Flickr pool - please note that you can only participate once with each image - taking pictures from different angels and uploading them does NOT give additional tickets for the Lucky Draw.

Once the Lucky Draw has been completed the winners will be contacted via Flickr Mail asking for their full name which the Ambassador for the given RLUG/RLFM then will be asked to approve as a member of their community before the prize ships.